The Top Ten Reasons To Become A Social Promise Advocate

JANUARY 3, 2023


10. Education without Hunger: Your monthly donation provides lunch for St. Jude Primary School students. This ensures that children can focus on their education without the distraction of hunger, leading to better academic performance.

9. Health and Well-Being: Nutritious meals contribute to the overall health and well-being of the students. Regular access to balanced meals supports physical and cognitive development, fostering a positive learning environment. Before the school lunch program, many students went without a meal.

8. Time Efficiency: Students who did eat had to walk long distances home for lunch. They were often late getting back to school, and some never returned. Your support ensures students can use this time for additional learning and activities, maximizing their educational experience.

7. Community Empowerment: Monthly advocates contribute to the empowerment of the local community. The school lunch program benefits the students and supports the local farms and suppliers, creating a positive cycle of community development.

6. Convenience and Ease of Giving: Monthly giving is convenient. It allows for automated, hassle-free contributions, eliminating the need to remember to make individual donations regularly.

5. Long-term Impact: Your monthly contributions contribute to the long-term sustainability of the school lunch program, creating a lasting impact on the lives of the students and the community as a whole.

4. Demonstration of Commitment: Social Promise Advocates showcase a sustained commitment to St. Jude Primary School students. This commitment can inspire others and serve as a model for the importance of ongoing support.

3. Budget-Friendly: Monthly donations allow donors to budget their giving over time. Smaller, regular contributions can be more manageable for many people compared to larger, one-time donations. A $ 5-a-month donation feeds one student for an entire year.

2. Increased Impact: The sustained support from monthly donors enables Social Promise to take on more impactful projects, significantly positively affecting communities in Northern Uganda.

1. Sense of Purpose and Involvement: Monthly Advocates of Social Promise feel deeper involvement. They become stakeholders in Social Promise’s mission and have a role in its ongoing success.