The Top Ten Ways to Support Health and Education in Uganda this Holiday Season

NOVEMBER 1, 2023


10. Shop Minted for Holiday Cards and Gifts: Enjoy 20% off your purchase, and know that 15% will be donated to Social Promise. Use code FUNDRAISESP when shopping for cards and gifts at Minted.

9. Cheer on our runners at the NYC Marathon on November 5: Five incredible individuals are running the NYC Marathon, dedicating their 26.2 miles to supporting Lacor Hospital. You can also visit their team page to support their efforts.

8. If you live in Indiana, join us at The Whisk on November 11: Head to Greencastle for an evening of cocktails and conversation. Learn more about our mission while raising funds to send young students to school. Click here for more information. Appetizers and your first drink is on us!

7. Support Sickle Cell Care at Lacor Hospital: September was Sickle Cell Awareness Month, but the work didn't stop at Lacor Hospital at the end of the month. Click here to support can provide critical care and resources for those affected by sickle cell disease in Uganda.

6. Sign Up for Our Children's Newsletter: Encourage your kids to sign up for our Children's Newsletter. It's an informative, age-appropriate way for children to learn about our work in Uganda. They'll receive stories about kids just like them whose lives are being positively impacted by our programs. By subscribing here, your child can stay engaged and informed about the difference they're helping to make.

5. Calling all New Yorkers on November 16: Mark your calendars for our Third Annual Trivia Night. Purchase tickets and enjoy a fun evening while supporting our cause.

4. Become an Advocate: For just $5 a month, you can provide a hot meal each day to a student at St. Jude Primary School. Your monthly donation ensures one student has lunch for an entire year. Be an advocate for education and nutrition.

3. Participate in Giving Tuesday on November 28: Mark your calendar for this Global Day of Giving. On this day, join us as we raise money to send aspiring nurses to the nursing school at Lacor Hospital. Your contribution can change lives.

2. Shop our Holiday Gift Catalog: Looking for the perfect holiday gift for someone with everything? Check your mailbox at the end of November or go online on November 14 to shop our Holiday Gift Catalog, where your purchase supports education and health initiatives.

1. Raise Awareness: Do you know someone passionate about health and educational causes? Introduce them to Social Promise. No matter their age, everyone has unique gifts to share. Spreading awareness increases interest and allows more opportunities to support the people of Northern Uganda.